Surviving high school game mean girl
Surviving high school game mean girl

surviving high school game mean girl

High school, it seems, is a pretty big deal. Max Doty, a writer who's been with the game since the very beginning, is about to release his second Surviving High School novel. Fans have devoted Tumblrs to the game's characters they write fan fiction they speculate over which characters will get together and which characters will break up.


When iPhone joined the common vernacular, the team began developing it for smart phones.Įight years and more than 300 episodes later, Surviving High School is now owned by Electronic Arts, has cracked the millions in downloads and birthed a loyal community that excitedly waits for a new episode every week. The team began producing regular downloadable follow-up episodes that players could subscribe to. A couple of months after that, it was ranked third.

surviving high school game mean girl

Shortly after the game launched more than eight years ago, it cracked the top 20 list of most-purchased games on feature phones. They created a standalone story that followed the students at Centerscore High, allowing the player to choose the characters' paths and determine their fate in the harsh world that is high school. Games were delivered through phone carriers rather than app marketplaces, graphic performance was about as good as a slow-running Game Boy Color and the developers wanted players to have a greater investment than they would in something like Snake or Connect Four. The game's creators at Centerscore Games had to focus on the writing because the graphical capabilities of phones meant there was little else they could focus on.

surviving high school game mean girl

The choose-your-own-adventure game launched on feature phones in 2004 - long before the words "iPhone" and "Android" meant anything to anyone - with a text-heavy story about students at Centerscore High. "When people remember, they remember it with a sense of nostalgia." But Surviving High School has been succeeding for years. Surviving High School has no bells or whistles, no novel mechanic and its art is far from groundbreaking. In a market saturated with platformers, puzzlers and bite-sized action games, one would think that a game that hangs its hat on writing about teenagers at a high school would find it hard to succeed. Owned by one of the biggest game publishers in the world, Electronic Arts, this is the team behind one of the most popular text-based games on phones: Surviving High School. This isn't the office for a fashion and beauty marketing machine. A week later, when the latest Twilight film releases to millions of adoring teenage fans, the office will drop everything to go on an excursion to see it - and will be first in line.

surviving high school game mean girl


Somewhere between flicking through its pages and learning that young Miley has fallen in love with Aussie heartthrob Liam Hemsworth, there will be a mandatory screening of Fox's hit TV series, Glee. Ultimately, it will join the company's growing piles of teen magazines. By the end of the day everyone will have read it. The magazine makes the rounds through the office. Taglines promise the best eco-friendly beauty buys and tips on looking "fierce" and "chic." On the cover is pop sensation and former Hannah Montana actress Miley Cyrus. That junior boy I'm friends with could possibly have a crush on me? It’s like everyone has a crush on me except the one boy I want to.The latest issue of Teen Vogue arrives at an office in Northern California. I heard that one freshman could have a crush on me. We fell off this summer but got back on track when I asked him to homecoming this year. It was hard to get him to actually talk to me, he's shy. A select few can act too much but what can you do? That new boy everyone went crazy over last year became a good friend toward the end of the year. Surprisingly they aren't as bad as I thought they would act. I held in my tears as my newest best friend Robert got his diploma. Towards the end of the year I made senior friends. High school opens you up to a whole new environment. I was completely devastated that I had to leave one of my life long friends. I didn’t talk to her the summer of 8th grade. I did what I thought was the best for my mental health. Eventually she started to act mean and toxic. The best friend I lost last year hurt the most. My first ever best friend and I stopped our friendship around 5th grade. Not because we had a huge fall out, we just grew up. When I got to middle school, my circle of friends changed completely. Not in the horrible way that dramas on TV shows portray. Luckily for me I have had some pretty good people around me. New relationships, new friendships, jealous girls, mad boys. Obviously high school is a very messy place.

Surviving high school game mean girl